From the Promotional Event for the Documentary and Bulletin “JAM 2010”

The promotional event for the documentary and bulletin “JAM

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2010” organized on September 9 at the American Corner in Podgorica brought together young musicians, partners in the project, and numerous journalists. We all met in a congenial atmosphere and recalled

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everything we did together during last April’s “Jazz Appreciation Month”.

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Maja Popovic briefly reminded the audience about the aims of Jazz Appreciation Month and the reasons for publishing the bulletin and making the movie.  This event was also the chance to present colleagues who worked on creating these two pieces: bulletin

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designer Sladjana Bajic Bogdanovic and movie director Dejan Petkov.

The audience loved the movie, and congratulated its producers for their excellent work.

Our project partners agreed that this kind of cinematic documentation is of real significance, as jazz music grows and develops in Montenegro.

All of our guests at the promotion received copies of the bulletin, plus Jazz Art Association bookmarks and JAM 2010 posters from the Smithsonian Institution, one of the promoters of the annual Jazz Appreciation Month in the United States.

We invite you to come to the American Corner to pick up your own copy of “JAM 2010”  — our lovingly-told 76-page recap of  the April 2010 JAM event as well as our last music season and happenings on the world jazz scene.

Big thanks to everyone who came and shared their impressions of JAM with us and also to all of you who support our work in promoting jazz music in Montenegro.

To finish off, we’ll quote Mihailo “Misha” Blam, well known contrabassist and music promoter: “Thanks to enthusiasts, musicians, and European intellectuals, jazz became an important part of our culture and its evolution. My favorite theory, or explanation, for the successful survival and development of jazz, is that, actually, you don’t live from jazz, but for jazz. Jazz definitely is a sinewy tree that waters itself.  It is sustained thanks to everyone who plays it.  If you ask me, to justify our existence it has always been enough to have one man more in the audience than us, the musicians up on stage.”